Medicare OEP: Everything You Need To Know

2 minute read

By Graham Norris

The Medicare Open Enrollment Period (OEP) is an annual time when you can make changes to your Medicare coverage. During this period, you can join, switch, or drop a Medicare health plan. Start a search today to learn everything you need to know about the Medicare OEP.

Making the Most of the Medicare OEP

It runs from October 15 to December 7 every year.1 It’s crucial to review your current Medicare plan during the OEP. Changes in health needs and plan benefits can affect your choice. You might find a plan that better suits your current situation. Researching online guides and tools is a great way to compare plans. This can help you understand the benefits and costs associated with different options.

Changes You Can Make

During the Medicare OEP, you have several choices. You can switch from Original Medicare to a Medicare Advantage Plan.2 Or, you can go from a Medicare Advantage Plan back to Original Medicare. You can also change your Part D prescription drug plan. Looking up detailed information online can help you understand the impact of these changes.

Why It’s Important to Review Your Options

Health needs can change from year to year. The same goes for Medicare plans and their benefits. Reviewing your options ensures that your plan matches your current health needs. Searching for information online about the different plans available can be very beneficial. This ensures you’re not missing out on better coverage or lower costs.

Learn More About the Medicare OEP

The Medicare OEP is a vital period for anyone enrolled in Medicare. It’s your chance to review and change your coverage as needed. Doing your homework and researching online is key. It helps you stay informed and make the best choices for your healthcare needs. Remember, the deadline is December 7, so start looking into your options for the next upcoming period today.

Graham Norris
